This Section is dedicated to all my creations done off of my YouTube Videos. Each of these items has a video showing how I created it. They are one of kind pieces and not going to be reproduced...unless by accident. LOLOL! So I hope you will enjoy these works...

Art Studio Vlog- Laura's Life: April 5, 2021: The above photo is of all the work I created on that day, using the recycled metal I purchased and repurposed by creating these new pieces. If you wish to see the video on the above works go to:
Below are the pieces I created from that day and for sale:

Art Studio Vlog- Laura's Life: April 19, 2021: The above photo is of all the work I created on that day, using the recycled metal I purchased and repurposed by creating these new pieces. If you wish to see the video on the above works go to:
Below are the pieces I created from that day and for sale: